01. Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

In this project you will write the JavaScript that powers your own online resume.

This project is meant to be completed while taking the JavaScript Basics course. Throughout the course you'll build your resume by writing JavaScript that will combine your personal information with pre-written HTML and CSS templates to generate your resume.


If you have successfully completed the project for the JavaScript Basics course in the past (which entails having graduated from the course and having access to your course certificate), simply email us at frontend-project@udacity.com with your passing evaluation and we'll give you credit for this project.

Why this Project?

Once you've mastered the skills of a front end web developer you'll want to make a great first impression. You need a resume that stands out.

The resume you build will not only help you build important skills, but will also make it easy to show employers why you’re perfect for the job. As you progress through this nanodegree you can update this resume with your new skills and projects.

What will I Learn?

You will learn basic JavaScript syntax, which includes manipulating data, building loops and creating functions. At the same time, you’ll learn some simple jQuery DOM manipulation methods to build your resume the moment a user opens your website.

How does this Help my Career?

  • It's a resume. Resumes help you get jobs.
  • JavaScript is the language of web development.
  • JavaScript lets you turn static web pages into dynamic applications.
  • Since it runs on normal web browsers, JavaScript is one of the most accessible and flexible programming languages.